A Real Pain In The Behind

 Earlier this year, I wrote a blog detailing the issues I've faced as a young woman with Pelvic Organ Prolapse- A condition brought on by my Connective-tissue Disorder, Marfan syndrome. The Marfan Trust very kindly offered to share this blog & I was delighted to hear it went down well with a number of their followers. I have added a link to that blog post below and I hope it helps to shed some light on what life is like as a Marfan patient with Pelvic Organ Prolapse. I hope it goes down as well with my readers. Some words may have been changed or edited by the Marfan Trust and the image was added by them, but the overall blog was written by me. Thank you! <3 https://www.marfantrust.org/articles/4-marfan-syndrome-can-be-a-pain-in-the-behind



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