Unexpected Concern

It's been two days since my last Cardiology appointment & I'm still thinking it over. I haven't discussed it with anyone, but it's been on my mind a lot. I was there for my regular check up and I was given the results of my last echo. The Doctor said it looked reassuring overall, but my aorta has stretched ever so slightly. I felt the panic rising within me and I started to sweat as I listened to his words. I must be hearing this wrong. My heart has to be OK. I had to gather myself back together quickly so I could take everything in. He was telling me the stretch to my aorta was very, very slight & was not a cause for concern right now, as long as I carry on being closely monitored. But I was not expecting this. I expected to be told my heart was perfect like all the other times, but this time was different & I was worried now. I didn't know how to feel when I left the clinic. I was truly happy that the Doctor thought it was nothing to fret about at ...