180 Untheraputic Minutes Of Therapy....

It took a lot of courage for me to tell my Doctor I'd been living with and suffering from depression. I had kept quiet about it for so long but eventually I found the bravery to ask for help. I thought it would make me feel better but instead I came away after the appointment feeling disappointed. My effort had been a waster of time as my Doctor had shown little concern. He told me to refer myself to a councellor & said I might be on a waiting list for up to 3 months. He told me there was nothing else he could do & I got the feeling I hadn't been taken seriously. I wasn't happy but I had to accept it. I came home & phoned the referral line straightaway and they put me on the waiting list. All I could do was hope I'd receive an appointment quickly but unfortunetly for me my referral didn't come through for another six months. SIX months! I had spent all that time feeling let down & forgotten about and I couldn't even go back to my Doctor as he...