Bouncing My Way Back..

Slowly but surely I am making my way back to my old self & I'm now starting to feel more like the old Lucy again.The Lucy who has suffered from health issues since being a toddler & has handled this crap her whole life. I got lost in the misery of my negative thoughts and I became someone I have never wanted to be, a self pitying moper was what I turned into. I felt sorry for myself because of my health conditions. I thought the world was against me & I started believing the lies I was telling myself. I thought I was useless. I believed people saw me as less than them because of my medical problems and I let that bother me, I let the dark thoughts control my life and I became more anxious day by day, feeling inadequate compared to others.

Eventually though the depressing cloud that I was lost in has started to lift & my attitude is going back to the way it always was. I don't care if someone sees me as less than them because of my problems anymore, if they want to look at me & see imperfection, then good, because showing off my imperfect differences without being ashamed of them has always been something I have strived towards. My low spirits made me lose sight of that. I felt embarrassed of myself and that's not Me. I don't have a problem with who I am, (Or I didn't until I started wallowing) 

I might have Marfan Syndrome but I am much, much more than that. I am a Daughter, a Sister, an Auntie, a Pet lover, and more importantly, I am ME.. a girl with a Hippie heart & an occasional Punk Rocker appearance who continues to rise after every fall.I just need to remember all that next time I feel down due to my health conditions, I am much, much more than them.


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