Read About My Decision To Delete My Facebook Blog Page... x

This time I want to talk about my Facebook Blog Page & why I've decided to delete it. I made the page a few weeks before Christmas & have been using it to share my blog posts on. It wasn't something I always intended to do though but the idea came after people where asking me if they could read my blogs, which meant I was having to share the links around in seperate places, which I didn't mind. But I thought it might make things simpler if people could read everything all in one place. And also, I guess I just thought it was normal to create a Facebook page for my blogs as it's something that most bloggers do. I made the decision to set up a page based on those 2 things but I didn't take into consideration how I would feel about hundreds of people reading my personal business on Facebook. I started questioning weather I was comfortable with that but I tried to stick with it in the hope that I might get used to the idea, but something in my mind can't adapt to it & my thoughts keep leading me back to thinking that broadcasting my blogs this way isn't for me. 

So, I've decided that after this post I will delete the page. I'm still going to blog, I love blogging! And I'll be more than happy to share the links with anyone who wants to have a read. I'll also share the blogs on a few of the groups that I'm on, I'll probably post them on my own Facebook page too. So I'll still make sure people get a chance to read them but by doing it that way it means I have better control over who see's my stuff. 

Before I go I just want to say a huge Thankyou to everyone who did take an interest & like the page. I'm sure you'll still see my blogs cropping up somewhere. I don't mind if they get shared around. I just wasn't keen on the idea of having a whole page on Facebook that contained so much about my life. Thanks again. X X X 


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