A Short Explanation... x

If you read my last blog you will know that I've now decided to remove my Facebook blog page. A few people have asked why I'm doing this so I thought I would do another blog to explain my reasons more clearly. I don't think people understand my decision to delete it so soon after I set it up. But hopefully I will be able to give a better explanation here. 

I didn't consider anything other than making things simpler to begin with. But as time went on I started looking at it like this.. I could keep sharing my posts on the page, but I'd have to edit what I was writing about because I didn't want what ever it was to be read by everyone on Facebook, or I could delete the page & go back to blogging in the honest & open way that I did before. 

By sharing my blogs on the page I felt like I had to think more carefully before writing them. I had to question weather I was happy for people to be able to visit a facebook page & find out so much about me, did I really want friends of friends coming across my page & reading my life stories? The answer was no and in the end that was my decision maker. 

 It might sound like a stupid theory because I don't know who's going to come across my blogs anyway once I've published them. My Marfan blog ended up in Brazil after all! But the difference is, if someone reads my posts on the internet (Not on my Facebook Page) then there is a much less chance of them actually knowing who I am in real life, which is how I like it because it makes me feel much more comfortable with it that way. A big number of people who liked my Facebook page knew me, & I was nervous about them sharing something I'd posted & telling people who had wrote it. If I could've kept my identity secret, I might have wanted to keep using the page. But that can't always be possible when people already know you. 

So there you go, that's why I've decided to remove the page. Hopefully everyone understands better now that I've given a bit of an explanation... X 


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