A Thank-You Speech (2nd attempt)

This is just going to be a very quick post because I have already done this one, but stupidly & accidently I pressed revert on my blogger account & it messed the whole blog up, so when people was clicking the link, nothing was coming up. I wasn't going to bother doing it again because I can't remember exactly what I wrote lol, but I'm going to give it a try. Some of might've read it before I messed it up, if you did, you won't want to read it again, but I'm just posting it for anyone who might not have had chance to see it before I managed to loose the whole thing! At least it's taught me to be extra careful in future! I'll try to say everything that I said in my original post, but I'll aim to make it shorter. I can't promise that though, as you all know what I'm like once my fingers get going on this keyboard, they don't know when to stop!.. Here goes.. 

I just wanted to say a really big thankyou to everyone who read, commented on & shared my Marfan Syndrome blog. I didn't expect to receive almost 10,000 views & a share off The Marfan Foundation, and I certainly didn't expect something I had written to reach so many people, Africa, Canada & Brazil are just a few places that I received messages from! I guess that's what they call Going Viral! I was very grateful to get so many pleasant comments from strangers, all telling me how amazing/brave it is to share my story so openly. Although I appreciate their kindness I don't really understand it because in my opinion I'm not doing anything special, or brave, or amazing! I'm just a girl who happens to be affected by a rare condition, and I also happen to like blogging about my experiences because it gives me a constructive outlet for my feelings, I'm doing something useful by putting my thoughts in a blog, instead of just sitting around all the time thinking about my health issues.

I think I've pretty much covered everything that I said in the first place but not in so many words this time lol. Before I finish I just want to say a great big THANKYOU again to all of you for making me feel like blogging is worthwhile, and for all your views, comments, messages & shares. That's it for now, hopefully I won't accidently revert this one!.. X X


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