Fergie and Holly... X X

My two Budgies Fergie & Holly are going to be the subject of this blog as I thought it would be nice to talk about a happier topic. I'll start by giving you a little information about them. Fergie is my oldest bird, she's 2 & a half years old & I got her from a pet shop at only 2 months of age. With her beautiful sky blue & white colouring, she looks nothing less than perfect. She really is a unique looking bird. Holly is just as adorable with her pretty green & yellow feathers, and her unusual white spots on each cheek. She's only 8 months old & has been with us since she was just 6 weeks! My nephews named Fergie after Alex Ferguson, as we originally thought she was a boy! But now I have to tell people she's called after Fergie from Black Eyed Peas. Haha. Believe it or not, I actually made the same mistake with Holly, I called her Olly because I thought she was a male, until a breeder corrected me. Obviously I then changed her name to Holly. Both birds are clear wing spangles, meaning they have no dark markings. Now I've got that out of the way, I talk about that they are like..

In my opinion, having pet budgies is nothing but a pleasurable experience, especially if you are someone who likes company, because unless its their bedtime, there is never a quiet moment. With their amusing ways & delightful chatter, they brighten up my everyday. their fascinating antics are enough to entertain anyone, Fergie's all time favourite trick is lifting her cage door up with her beak, then letting it drop so it bounces down with an almighty thud! She only does this for attention if no one has been to check on her for a while. She definitely knows what to do to get noticed, she wouldn't let you ignore her even if you wanted to! Lol. Holly hasn't quite mastered the art of such tricks yet but with Fergie as her influence I'm sure it wont be long before she's up to the same things. She's a little quieter than Fergie, she twitters along all day but her tone is much lower, but she is a bit more playful than Fergie, I often walk in to find her hanging upside down from the top of the cage! Haha, Fergie on the other hand, prefers to stand tall & proud on her perch and show off her whistling skills as if she's performing on stage! Where-ever you are in the house, you can always hear her cheerful chirping which I find rather uplifting, but I'm sure you'd find it a tad annoying if you aren't keen on birds.
One of the best things about them is their obedience & willingness to do as they're told, for example, they know that they haven't to start their day until someone has taken their cover off in a morning & put the radio on in their room. If I do this at 8am, they will start chirping, if I don't do it until 11am they wont move or make a single sound! That's what you call well behaved budgies! Another thing I love about them is the bond they share between them, one day never passes by without me catching them rubbing beaks & snuggling. Cuties! I also should mention that Fergie seems to have a super special bond with my Mum, which is strange considering she wasn't as keen on birds as I am lol. Fergie being Fergie, must have picked up on this & decided to set herself the challenge of trying to win my Mum over by making a special effort with her, and would you believe it, it worked!! She now loves Fergie (and Holly) just as much as I do! Good Work Fergie Birdy..!! To finish off this blog I've included a photo of my birds sharing a cuddle, which is just one of the many beautiful photos I have of them. x x


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