Blog Number Four..

My last blog was my most honest one so far, after publishing it I felt a little embarrassed because I'd admitted to some things that I had never spoken of before, and I didn't know weather I was right or wrong in doing so. But what's the point of doing a personal blog if I'm not going to speak honestly? There would be no point if I was to lie, but I still felt like I'd be judged or maybe mocked for owning up to being an over anxious oddball who suffers from health problems. Having said that though, my embarrassment soon wore off after a few people read it & told me they thought I had done a good job! I'm starting to realize now that there's no shame in being openly honest about who you are as a person.

When I first joined Blogger I had no idea what to talk about but I definitely didn't think I would end up revealing so much about myself! That just kind of happened unexpectedly as I came across a new found bravery! Haha. I'm not sure what my next few posts will be about but this is only my 4th ever blog so I guess I'm still in practice mode, although I do feel like I'm starting to take it more seriously. I'll have to go away now & do some thinking & planning ready for next weeks blog, I'm sure I'll come up with something...X x


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