A Step In The Right Direction..

I've thought a lot about weather I should bother blogging this or not and I came to the conclusion that I should because it's not something to be ashamed of.. So here goes.. Last week I made a massive achievement by taking a leap into the unknown when my friend invited me to a BBQ with her, bare in mind I'm a nervous, socially anxious oddball (In my own opinion) After much hesitation & some encouragement I kindly excepted her offer & went with her. I cant say I felt totally at ease at first but I managed to overcome that once I got chatting to a few nice people. After I came home I realized what a huge step forwards I had taken, it was the first time in a number of years that I had gone anywhere without a family member (Apart from short distances) This is partly due to my anxiety issues but mainly because my health problems have always made me feel different compared to others, which then leaves me feeling unsure when it comes to going out alone without a close family member.

It might seem like a small thing to most people but the fact that I did it is a huge deal to me and I'm hoping it's a step in the right direction. I'm glad I did it & the next time I get invited anywhere, I'm sure I'll still be nervous but I'll know I can do it if I try... X x 


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